Tuesday, October 26, 2010

" Good Morning Folks "

Good morning everyone! I woke at 5:30 this morning. Not unusual for me. We had some storms going through our area so I had to hurry the little dogs along on their morning walk today. It is very windy and has rained a bit. Yet still very warm, 71 degrees. I may have to give Katie a ride this morning if it is still raining, we shall see.

I still have quite a few sculpture photos from CedarHurst. The above one is called "Dolmen" and is cast concrete. The size of some of these sculptures is amazing to me. It makes one wonder how they were constructed! The next two photos reminded me of the original movie
" War of the Worlds " I don't know why, it's just what pops into my head when I see them. And I see them several times a week on my drive to church!

They are called " Three Travelers ". They seem like alien travelers to me!

I don't know what my thoughts are on the one above. It is called "Eastern Leanings". Mmm, I just don't know!

How about this one? It looks like something out of my husbands tool box! I could not find the name of this one. It frustrates me because I know that I found it somewhere and now I can't. Sorry : (

I think that you'll get a kick out of the next one. I know I did. I took two photos at different angles. It is called " The Ties That Bind " .

You can click on the second one for a better view. I really liked this one, I found it very, very interesting and unusual in a familiar sort of way !

That's it for today folks. I must get busy working in my dining room today. I have a doorway that has been giving me problems. More than I first had anticipated. But I think it is almost ready and then I will wash the walls. I won't paint until the weekend.

The schools here have five days off starting Thursday! Five days! Thursday and Friday are teacher in service days which Jake and I always joke and say that they are actually ordering pizza and having kegs of beer! I guess Monday is a holiday. I'm sure you'll all let me know. Gosh I lead such a sheltered life. Thank God I have all of you to keep me on track!!

Hope you enjoyed the sculptures, I have more to post later. Have a beautiful day, Love Di ♥


Anvilcloud said...

Some odd sculpts there, but Eastern Leanings does look oriental to me.

Amity said...

Good morning my dear Diana...I will come back to you tomorrow coz am so snoozy na... :-) Promise!

Will have to catch up on a couple or more of your posts, promise!

Hugs and love,


Bernie said...

I can't believe you don't go to this park/museum more often. It is so full of everything.
Have been thinking about you as I watch the storms on TV. Stay safe sweeti friend.....:-) Hugs

Gail said...


great pictures and commentary on each :-) I love your travels.

Happy Monday, we are going out to dinner with friends, Mexican!!

Love you lots

jules said...

There are five days off of school here too....

I just love those sculptures, they are so interesting.

Wanda..... said...

Well, I'm late visiting Diana, that storm turned into tornado warnings here, we only had high winds and heavy rains though.

Your "scultpture park" has a wide variety of pieces, it must cover a large area.

Monday is Halloween and Tuesday is election day! :)

Diana said...

Well shut my mouth Wanda! I forgot all about Halloween!! Katie doesn't trick or treat anymore so I just wasn't thinkin'!
I am going to vote early and often, LOL!! Cedarhurst covers 90 acres!

Love Di ♥

anupama said...

Dear Di,
Good Morning!
A beautiful rainy morning from Thrissur,Kerala.
Lovely snaps,Di!I was reading out your post to Amma!
So simple and honest words.
Wishing you a lovely day,

Brenda said...

We were waiting for rain but got very little just lots of STRONG wind and cooler temperature. I chuckled over the "The Ties That Bind." My mind cannot comprehend many of those sculptures. We are all created uniquely.

Amity said...

Hey Diana,

am back as promised last night and yes, i definitely am engrossed with your good morning post...what with those lovely photos of cedarhurst...thanks for sharing!

well i want i sheltered life and i will be happy with it coz blogging is there to keep me sane...maybe am just lying, truth is i can be outgoing and or can live inside my shell for as long as i want... :D

have a nice day Di!



Gutsy Living said...

Neat sculptures. I wouldn't have expected them in a park looking structure. Perhaps more of a museum layout. So the storm didn't hit you?

Maria said...

Hi Diana!
I can't decide whether I like modern art in the midst of a pretty scene of nature. Our university here has a few modern pieces in the gardens.
The contrast must set the pieces off and makes them a focal point.
I like the double chairs..."The Ties that Bind" that's pretty cool :D
Enjoy the days ahead!

Rebecca said...

My calendar says Sunday is Halloween and November 1 (Monday) is All Saints Day. I can't imagine schools recognizing a religious holiday!

What in the WORLD are you doing to the door?!? Pace yourself, OK?

I sure do enjoy the pictures of the sculptures. I liked those Alien things - they're unique...simple lines, etc.

Diana said...

Hi Brenda,
The ninety acre park and museum were originally privately owned and then donated to to the public, I believe. The original house is still on the grounds and they still have parties there. Love Di ♥

Hi Gutsy,
We only had wind and a bit of rain thank God. Half of my fence is still missing from the last BIG storm several years ago! Love Di ♥

Hi Rebecca,
I was so exhausted that I slept til after 7:00 this morning. I'm taking today off! Love Di ♥

Arlee Bird said...

Love these photos you've been showing. I really like to see this place someday--it looks pretty impressive, especially for a small town like Mt. Vernon.
Sounds like some pretty heavy storms you all have been having back there.

Tossing It Out