Saturday, July 18, 2009

" I'm Still Here! "

Hi everyone! This is just a quick post as I am running out of time at the local library! Our computer died and I just wanted to let you all know that I am still here. I won't be as often but keep checking please as I am trying to figure something out. It will probably be a while though.

I will keep checking your blogs and my email. We only get an hour a day at the library so I will be limited to posting. I love reading your posts so I will be doing that first. I love you all.

Say a prayer for us, maybe something good will happen!


Tranquility Speaks said...

Is it time for a new one? Or is there scope for some repairs?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you are still there....and you can rest assured that I will be here...and will be checking back with you often...hoping that the computer snafu is a short one...and that all will be well in computerland shortly.
Smiles from Jackie

Wanda..... said...

We the Villagers will still be here Diana...I've been so busy...can't blog anyway...I miss Bernie...she was my morning routine...every morning at 6:00.
Hope the computer gets well quick Diana.

Blessings each day said...

Gosh...I hope your church has some computer guru who can fix you up again! So this must be why you didn't show up at police headquarters??

Have a wonderful week-end and I will be watching for your safe return!

blessings and hugs,


p.s. You do realize that this leaves a very Heavy burden on me!!! You are needed to help make Eileen spit her coffee out all over her's not the world's easiest job you know, but maybe one of the funnest (I made that word up). :o)

Eileen said...

What is Marcy going to do without her partner in crime?!
Or will she straighten out without her twisted sister to connive with?


All good wishes!
Lots and lots of prayers!

I feel like my right arm is missing!
I'm glad I have lots to do because my blog world will not be the same at all without you!

'Missing you so!

Rebecca said...

Don't you worry about Eileen and Marcy! They've got a lot of spunk! Between the two of them, they'll keep the rest of us straight until you can get back!

You just concentrate on what you need to take care of. Know that you'll be missed and that we're all on the sidelines cheering for you--whatEVER you're going through!

Jerelene said...

Oh..I am so sorry to hear that you are having computer troubles..they are the worst!! I'll be glad to hear from you whenever you're able!! I'll be saying prayers for a quick fix for you computer! Missing you Diana!!
Love, Jerelene

Blessings each day said...

Just checking in on you this morning to see if anything is cooking here...hopefully you can get some burners going! Will say a little computer prayer for you!

blessings and hugs,


Wanda..... said...

I stopped by to see if you popped in from the library Diana...I've had computer troubles this week too!
Keep smiling!

Mar said...

Well that's a shame, to have your computer die. I hope you can get it repaired soon.
The upside of that is the people at the library get to see your smiling face and enjoy your sparkling personality. ;o)

Eileen said...

Just want you to know that I'm missing you lots!
It's too quiet here without you!

Jerlene was talking about starting 'pen pals', maybe we should! Snail mail is better than no mail!

Miss you!
Love you,

Wanda..... said...

We're still missing you Diana...right along with Bernie...and Teresa is very busy with her job at the moment too...Hope to see all back at the village soon!

Keep smiling and take care!