Well folks it seems that Katie and I have been granted a temporary reprieve thanks to our Pastor. Pastor likes to tinker with computers and he had one that he had just gotten through tinkering with. He gave it to me and Katie to use until I can save up enough cash to buy a new one! I think that pastor is a genious, I am sure that he would disagree with me. Regardless, Thank you Pastor Joe!
I tried to get the library to open at 5:30a.m. for me so that I could sit and have my coffee while reading about Bernie's previous day, but they wouldn't go for that! At least now I can actually have more than an hour.
For some reason I can't get my google reader to work on this computer. It is an older one but I just don't know. I have many subsciptions that I have in my reader that aren't on my side bar of my blog. So it may take some time to find some of them and add them to my side bar. I don't care, I am just happy right now to be back in the village!
I also had applied for another job earlier this week. They weren't hiring but they called me today to ask if I can fill in for a couple of hours tomorrow. Of coarse I said yes!
I have to take Katie in the morning for her immunization for high school and I will pray that I get done in time!!!
Again you will have to forgive my grammer for now as the spell check doesn't work on this computer. But I have a gigantic dictionary that I know how to use, so I will do my best! Also I don't know how to put photos on my blog with a desk top but of coarse Katie does and she will show me how. If I were 14 years old I wouldn't need her help!
So for now it appears that I am able to return to my village people! YMCA , twisted sisters and all!
Hooray!!!! Hooray!!! Hooray!!
Diana, I AM SO HAPPY!!
I was just about to email you saying how sad I am and how much I miss you! Isn't God so Good to us?!
Thank You, God! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
And thank you to Diana's Pastor!
Praise The Lord!!
Can you tell I'm happy?
Seriously, so, so happy, Di!
So glad to hear about your job and potential job! 'Hope everything works out for tomorrow.
But, Diana, please don't overdo it! Don't be so anxious to get your new computer that you tax your health. Now at least you have a little breathing room with the loaner.
Okay, I'm going to offer some prayers of Thanksgiving!
I am jumping up and down with excitement! Well not literally as I have bad arthritis in my knees,
but if I could I would! I just hope it holds out for a few months til I can save some cash!
Don't worry Eileen if I start to feel too bad I will back off. But I have been feeling really well lately so thank the Lord!
I've been on here forever trying to catch up so this is my last stop for the night. Luv Ya, Take care Diana
How sweet it is to have you back, girlfriend! It's not good for the Village to have missing people...missing brains is okay, missing people is NOT! Really REALLY happy you are back and at least have a way to communicate again. Was beginning to think maybe Wanda could teach us smoke signals!
Will continue to keep all of this in prayer and please thank your Pastor for the whole Village, esp. me!!!
blessings and happy hugs,
You were really missed Diana...I had to threaten Eileen and Marcy once while you were away...Welcome back to your place in the village.
Hi Marcy,
I am so happy to be back as well. I am however running into a few gliches. For some reason I can't leave a comment on Wanda's blog.
Wanda, if your reading this I loved your post and tried to leave you a comment but it wouldn't work for me. Also I can't watch videos. Katie tried installing a flash olayer but I think that this computer is to old. I don't really care except for the fact that I couldn't watch Wanda's video but am just happy to be able to blog!
Diana, that's a good idea to leave your comments here for people if you can't comment on their blogs. Everyone should just know to check back in here now and then.
Feel good!
I'm off to get a few things done!
Love, Eileen
Hi Diana...I just got home from Meijers and Costco...It's drizzling here again today ...I saw your comment about having a problem...I always visit 2 or 3 times anyway, just to see the funny comments between everyone!
Happy you can blog too!
Diane, if you were 14 years old you wouldn't need all of Marcy's suggestions for staying young!
It IS good to have you back - even if you are temporarily technologically challenged. Thanks to Pastor Joe(was it?). You are blessed. And so are we!
Pastor Joe was very kind to have done that.I pray to God that you get more cash than you can handle. You deserve it Diana :)
I really hope you get the job you've so wanted and I hope that doesn't strain you physically. Take care always!
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