Saturday, July 16, 2011

" What Will She Think of Next?"

Two pieces of fabric.

A sewing machine, a little spare time and two buttons,


And that my friends is what I like to do with what I find at the thrift stores!!!


Lois Evensen said...

That's just wonderful!

When will you open your Etsy store????? ;)


Sharon said...

You sure are busy making all sorts of neat stuff! That is neat!

Rob-bear said...

Clever, creative woman at work!

Wanda..... said...

Love what you did with those simple squares of fabric, Di!

Tamara said...

OH MY GOODNESS! So creative you are!

Rebecca said...

Sweet!!! You are amazing.

OK. I'm trying to figure it out. Is that a lining on the back side? TWO buttons? Where's the second? Is there a button hole or did you velcro it?

Lynilu said...

Very cool, girlfriend!

Gail said...

Wow!! you are so creative. Love it.
Love Gail

Diana said...

The buttons are just decorative. The white fabric is the lining. I want to use a little zipper for closure. Wish I would have thought of that first but I can still make it work. There are also two pockets inside. I left room at the top for a strap.
Love Di ♥

Tranquility Speaks said...

OMG! How did the two pieces of fabric become such a fabulous purse! You're a genius!

Talin's Corner said...

I like it!

Bonny said...

she's crafty!! Love it.

Bernie said...

This is great Di, your site looks great as well.....:-)Hugs

Lena said...

I love it, Di!! The fabric on the finished product is adorable!!
Have the best of weeks!
Tons of love!XXX

Barb said...

I cannot sew (or knit) so your work always looks like an impossible task to me, Di!

Vicki said...

So talented! That is a beautiful purse. Very elegant! Amazing. You do need to open an Etsy store! BTW, your daughter Katie is so pretty! I know you must be proud of her and her hard work at camp!