Name : Pixie
AKA : Just Pixie
Hobbies : Socks. I love socks. I dig them out of the clothes basket, or just pick them up from wherever they are. Clean or dirty, I don't care. I like to pretend that they are kittens. I carry them all over while I meow very loudly! If they're not in a drawer I can find them!
My Best Qualities : I am very well behaved. ( Except for the sock thing.) I'm always polite. And I am always available for a pet!
What My Humans Love Most About Me : My mom human loves picking up socks off the floor from all over the house. She always sounds so excited. Something about "NO MATCHING SOCKS IN THIS HOUSE! " I don't know what this means but she sounds excited. She also loves when I sit right in front of her face while she's in bed. I have to let her know it's time for a pet.
Age : 10 Years
My goodness! Are there Cats #'s 6, 7, & 8??
How do you care for them all?!
Well, I've found cats a little easier to take care of than dogs, ours were very independent!
Isn't it amazing how each of them have their own individual personalities and idiosyncrasies?!
I've enjoyed these posts!
That's a very good looking cat Diana...About the Movie "Doubt" certainly was a dark movie...not at all like "Mama Mia"...I think it showed how old rules and restrictions in the Catholic Church Structure made it easy for things like that to be hidden away...and Meryl's character...of the same strict nature the end had doubts of her nature and church...which made her doubt her convictions...but I think he was guilty...The movie did leave you thinking though...didn't it.
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