Saturday, August 8, 2009

" Please Accept My Apologies!"

Alright people listen up! Did I sound like a teacher there Jackie? This is just a quick post to let everyone know that the king of my castle is home all of this week for his vacation.

I am trying to keep up with everyone's post but it can be difficult when a certain someone wants my undivided attention! Really though I don't mind. We sat together last night and figured up how much time we are together in one year. It adds up to approximately 76 days. Just a little over two months in one year. No wonder we get along so well! It's sad really as we do get along so well. But thats the way the cookie crumbles, right?

We have several things planned for the week so I wanted to apologize in advance if you don't hear much from me. I have been reading blogs trying to stay caught up and will try to comment as much as I can. I wanted to let everyone know that I am still here just not for very long!

In the meantime continue on without me and enjoy yourselves. But do be careful and remember to wash your hands frequently! Alright then, I do feel better now. I will post about our adventures later in the week. Until then I love you all!


Eileen said...

And so looking forward to future posts!
Enjoy your precious time with your husband, Di! I'm happy for you!
Love you, E

Bernie said...

Diana, I am so happy that Jake is home and you two will have time together. Go...enjoy....we will be here when you get back.
Have a great week....big hugs to all you....:-)

Tranquility Speaks said...

Take your time Diana. We are all here and you'll still find us here when you return. The one who wants your undivided attention must get it since he deserves it more than anyone else :) Have a lovely week ahead, and don't be apologetic about being away.Everyone here is extremely understanding :) Loads of love :)

Rebecca said...

Enjoy every minute/hour/day you have together! Spend them joyfully & extravagantly on each other! You are "excused" from your blogging as far as I'm concerned :)

In fact, all of us who are blessed to share our lives with a companion should follow your example and intentionally "pull the curtains" on our extracurricular stuff and focus a bit more - probably....

Wanda..... said...

Well, the same goes for me Diana...but if it were the reverse...this is what you might say...:)

"What do you mean? Just what are we suppose to do while you're gone, having fun, doesn't your husband know how much we depend on your comedic about being selfish..." :)

Had to do that Diana...I do enjoy reading what you come up with...Will miss you this week...
but the village will wait for your return!

Blessings each day said...

Wash our hands? Wash our that ALL we have to wash? Diana, this is going to be one stinky Village if all week while you are gone, everyone ONLY washes their hands.

Seriously I hope you have an absolutely wonderful week with your hubby and get to relax and just enjoy together time!

You will be missed, but you still have the option of comedic comments as well as suggesting total bathing!

blessings and warm hugs,


Blessings each day said...

Psst...did you notice that naughty streak in Wanda...think if we encourage it, she could get as naughty as we are???

Eileen said...

Now I'm spitting coffee from Wanda's jokes too??!!!
What's happening in this village?!
Who's been the bad influence on her? First, she's tempting everyone with chocolate (oh, by the way, the extra five pounds I've gained is thanks to Marcy and Wanda! My weak will power had nothing to do with it!), and then she's turning into Don Rickles with her sarcastic little humor! Whew! I need to catch my breath here, and mop up my desk!

Have a good week, Diana!
Love you, E

Mar said...

Hi Diana. I wish for a wonder full, beauty full, love filled week. We all look forward to hearing how great it was. I'm off for some R&R at the cottage this week. <3 Mar.

Anonymous said...

So...the King is home. Yea!! I'm so happy for you both. I'm sure that there will be plenty of time later to catch up on the villagers, Diana...and since I've read the comments that were written before I posted this one, I'm thinking that Wanda will keep us on the straight and narrow path. Go Wanda!! You ate some "Spunk" for breakfast, Wanda!
Diana, relax....enjoy...breathe in....breathe out.... (My husband keeps telling me that I will survive if my hands aren't on this keyboard and my bottom isn't in this desk chair...and I give him "The Look!" 'What ARE you talking about? I don't spend much time on this computer!' He rolls his eyes, returns to ironing his shirt and pants, and then ambles off the kitchen to find himself something to eat. :))) Get my point, my friend. You are here...we are will be back....(or we'll come and drag you back)....and I want you to have the very best time with your husband. Happy vacationing to both of you. Love and many hugs from Jackie
P.S. That doesn't mean I'm not posting to your blog while you're away. Oh no. Uh uh.. I'll be lurking around....of course.

Terrie said...

76 days? WOW, Don't even look at that computer while he's here, hurry, get off, he's waiting for you!
Have a wonderful time!

Eddie Bluelights said...

My wife and I pass like ships in the night! She works 3 nights a week and I do my ambulance work. I think I remebre what she looks like and if I forget I have a photo I can see. Needless to say we do not argue although she thinks I'm nuts spending so much time on blogging! ~ Eddie

Garnetrose said...

It won't be the same without your postings but have a lovely time .

Eileen said...

Hi, Di!
Your house and your movie are highlighted here:
Love you, E

Eileen said...

'Hope you and your husband are enjoying your time together, and hope you are accomplishing all you set out to do!
Thanks for visiting me and commenting and emailing! You're a good friend!
Love you, E

Barb said...

Hope you're having a wonderful time with your husband! Also, hope it's nice and cool for whatever you're doing.
I'm going to go wash up now...