Friday, October 23, 2009

Coming Up Next On " Best Laid Plans "

On the next episode of " Best Laid Plans "

Has Katie gotten over her fear of contracting the H1Ni virus ?

Has Diana remembered how to heat things up in a saucepan ?

Has Jake been admitted to the hospital after all ?

Is there a new or possibly used microwave oven
in the future of the Siebels
Household ?

And will Diana be able to get the shot in her knee that she needs to continue to take care of her family ?

Stay Tuned !


Bernie said...

I hope the answer to all of these is a resounding YES, except Jake having to go in hospital of course.
Thinking of you my friend and praying all settles down for you very soon......:-) Hugs

Terrie said...

Oh my! I can't wait for the story behind this saga! I certainly hope it all turns out for the best.


Gail said...


You will do what you must to forge on. I believe n you and I am cheering, pom poms and all (now there's an image)!! :-)

Love to you

Wanda..... said...

Your post today sounds like a blurb for a soap opera ones years ago that my grandmother watched...As The World Turns!

Hope Jake is getting better and other things work out.
Take care,

Dr.John said...

I can hardly wait to find out.

Jackie said...

Di...I do hope all of you are well. I look forward to the next post. You have a positive outlook on life...helps me a bunch, my friend...and I love the way you write. Love to you from Jackie

Rebecca said...

This is a REAL cliff-hanger! I'm biting my nails here. Don't leave me in such suspense!

(Please know, I suspect that beyond the humor and positive outlook, there lurks just a tiny, tiny bit of anxiety and some pain now and then. I care & continue to pray.)

Diana said...

Hello to all! I would love to answer all of your comments individually but when you read my next post you will know how busy I have been.
Yes Rebecca, you are right!
I love you all, Bless you and thank you for lifting up my spirits!
Love Di

Tranquility Speaks said...

I pray to God that he grants you all that the heart desires. Jake will be fine Diana. God isn't cruel. Keep the faith