For those of you who aren't aware, my husband has been home all week with a case of the shingles. A little virus that lays dormant in our bodies once we've had the chicken pox. I had the chicken pox as an adult and it was not a pleasant experience. It may come out for an attack and it may not. You just don't know.
My husband has been a brave solider, it is very painful. I would have been a cry baby. Yes, this much I know for sure. He is on the mend however as he can now bend his fingers. The virus attacked his hand and arm. Since my dear husband makes his living driving a truck, well there isn't much of a living coming in right now !
But God is watching over us and I do believe he will be holding us in his hands.
It has been a busy week for me. Lots of work inside and outside of the home. My highlight of the week however was Tuesday afternoon. My son and his wife had an appointment in town and asked me if I could take care of my grandson baby Jack and see Sarah , my granddaughter off of the school bus.
Of coarse I said yes but I must admit that I was feeling a bit apprehensive as at 16 months, baby Jack and I have not really bonded. He is , in my opinion, the true definition of a mama's boy right now.
When I arrived at their house, Jack was still asleep upstairs in his crib. Amy left with the baby monitor turned on. It wasn't long before I started to hear noises coming from Jacks room. Since he wasn't talking or crying, I waited a few minutes before going up there. It was only when I started to hear crickets chirping over the monitor that I thought it best to go investigate!
I opened up Jack's door and found him quietly laying in his crib awake. Well he didn't scream the moment that he saw me, this is good. He had a crib toy hanging on the side of his comfy, cozy looking crib. He pushed a button on it to show me how it lit up and made cricket noises. So Far no tears, this is very good.
We went downstairs where I changed his diaper and we continued to have fun together. This was the first time I had been with him when he wasn't screaming for mommy. And we had a wonderful few hours together. I felt as though we had finally bonded. This was a very good feeling !

Here he has the bed head goin' on !
We also had the pleasure of having our granddaughter Sarah spend the night on Sunday. And contrary to what her parents say , she is always well behaved and polite when she is at grandma and grandpa's house !
Although it may be hard to tell with the smirk she has on her face !

As little time as she gets to spend with her grandpa, they enjoy each others company very much. Can you see any pain in this man's face ? He is a rock !

So you see, even through all of the pain and problems that life throws in our path,
God sprinkles a little sunshine down on us.
My husband has been a brave solider, it is very painful. I would have been a cry baby. Yes, this much I know for sure. He is on the mend however as he can now bend his fingers. The virus attacked his hand and arm. Since my dear husband makes his living driving a truck, well there isn't much of a living coming in right now !
But God is watching over us and I do believe he will be holding us in his hands.
It has been a busy week for me. Lots of work inside and outside of the home. My highlight of the week however was Tuesday afternoon. My son and his wife had an appointment in town and asked me if I could take care of my grandson baby Jack and see Sarah , my granddaughter off of the school bus.
Of coarse I said yes but I must admit that I was feeling a bit apprehensive as at 16 months, baby Jack and I have not really bonded. He is , in my opinion, the true definition of a mama's boy right now.
When I arrived at their house, Jack was still asleep upstairs in his crib. Amy left with the baby monitor turned on. It wasn't long before I started to hear noises coming from Jacks room. Since he wasn't talking or crying, I waited a few minutes before going up there. It was only when I started to hear crickets chirping over the monitor that I thought it best to go investigate!
I opened up Jack's door and found him quietly laying in his crib awake. Well he didn't scream the moment that he saw me, this is good. He had a crib toy hanging on the side of his comfy, cozy looking crib. He pushed a button on it to show me how it lit up and made cricket noises. So Far no tears, this is very good.
We went downstairs where I changed his diaper and we continued to have fun together. This was the first time I had been with him when he wasn't screaming for mommy. And we had a wonderful few hours together. I felt as though we had finally bonded. This was a very good feeling !
Here he has the bed head goin' on !
We also had the pleasure of having our granddaughter Sarah spend the night on Sunday. And contrary to what her parents say , she is always well behaved and polite when she is at grandma and grandpa's house !
Although it may be hard to tell with the smirk she has on her face !
As little time as she gets to spend with her grandpa, they enjoy each others company very much. Can you see any pain in this man's face ? He is a rock !
So you see, even through all of the pain and problems that life throws in our path,
God sprinkles a little sunshine down on us.
Great sharing of your time with your beautiful grand children and lovely 'all-telling' photos to take me there. :-)
I am coming a long with my injured knee, slowly but surely.
Love you
Hi Gail,
I can so sympathize with the knee pain. I pray that yours completely goes away! Take care of it and do everything that they told you to do! That's an order!
I am happy to be back here, I missed everyone!
Love Di
Hi Diana...
I am so sorry about hubby's shingles...and I know that I would have been a cry baby for sure. I'm sure you are a GREAT nurse...and I hope that he is up and driving again very soon.
The story about Jack is precious! Love the crickets chirruping!! He is adorable, Di...just aborable....and I'm lovin' the bed hair, too. Isn't the smile/smirk on your granddaughter's face cute, too....and the hugging loving she's getting from granddad...
A great post, my friend. I am thinking of you.
Smiles to you, Di.
Diana, SO glad you had this chance to bond with Jack. It sounds like the "Mama-baby" phase might be a thing of the past!
And re. shingles. Ouch! My son had a case around his waist. Said it was very painful. And my mother still has a spot many months after her outbreak! Seems like I'm hearing of more and more cases. I wonder why?
I pray that your financial needs will be met - either through unexpected income or your ability to make do with less during this time. "Where there's a will, there's a way!"
Getting shingles on the arm isn't so bad. You can get them on your stomach, on your face, and on your butt. They are painful .
Glad your bonding with the grand kids.
Hi Jackie,
Jake is doing a little better but he has very strong pain meds! The biggest problem now is that he is bored out of his mind! He is soooo tired of t.v., it's a good thing the meds are keeping him sleepy!
Love Di
Hi Rebecca,
I also have heard of several other people having shingles as of late. One of the things that can bring it out is stress. A lot of people are under stress today.
Thank you for your prayers Rebecca, we sure can use them.
Love Di
Hi Dr. John,
The majority of the shingles are on his hand. Which is very painful as well. And he can't drive , which is our income so that's bad enough!
I can't wait until tomorrow as my granddaughter will be in a parade! I love a parade!
Love Di
Glad baby Jack cooperated with you Diana, he is extremely cute and has the bluest eyes and I noticed how he is holding his pacifier, as if he just removed it to have his picture taken...and Sarah sticking out her tongue is like Alivia, it must be a 6yr. old girl thing.
Your grandchildren are like sunshine Diana, with their shiny blonde hair!
Hope it's warmer there than it is here for the parade she's in.
Luv and Smiles,
OMG is Jack precious or what, with the bed head and those big eyes I fell in love, Sara looks quite content with grandpa, who looks great considering what he is going through. My brother had them around his back and stomach and was in a great deal of pain....stress does some horrible things to the body.
Hope you are taking care of yourself, I know you are taking care of all those you love....that is what makes you so special.
Take care, welcome back and know you are loved.....:-) Hugs
Hi Wanda,
Thank you I do think that Jack is gorgeous, I just wish that they would take that pacifier from him. Oh well I'm not the parent!
It is supposed to be in the forties tomorrow. But I love the cold and the parades. We'll just bundle up the kids and us!
Love Di
Hi Bernie,
Thank you my friend, I did pretty good today. I did manage to get some quilting in and cleaned the entire downstairs while Jake was taking a nap! So I am content now.
I am so looking forward to tomorrow. I just hope everything goes as planned. It's supposed to be in the forties!
Love Di
I am so sorry to hear about your hubby's shingles! They are very painful. I have known several people, including my MIL and my mother that had shingles and they are brave women but the pain was nearly intolerable sometimes. There is a shingles vacination and I would encourage you to get one if possible. They are expensive but much less than it would be to have the pain of shingles.
On a happy note, I am glad that you had such a nice time with your grandkids! That was a rainbow among the storms.
HI Diana,
I too got chicken pox when i was in Btech..yeah it was not a pleasant exp..:)
My best wishes to u all..children are sooo cutee..:)
enjoy with them ..
By the way,,hws janine??
Hi Brenda,
It's pretty painful but the medicine helps. You can't have the vaccine until you are over 60. So he has 14 more years to go!
Love Di
Hi Prams,
Yeah chicken pox are horrible too.
I think Janine is doing alright and am not sure if she's home yet. Thats all I really know right now.
Love Di
Hope the shingle pain is less today than yesterday....
Yes, Angola in Indiana! It is about 45 minutes north of us....So next time you visit family, we MUST arrange to meet face to face.
You ought to check the history of your old library...It COULD have originally been built as a Carnegie project!
I'm a day late catching up on blogs. You've had a bitter-sweet week. My husband had shingles in his leg and it was, as you know, very painful.
What sweet grandkids--glad you got to spend some time with them.
Hi Rebecca,
How exciting! I used to spend every summer as a child with my great-grandmother at her cottage on Lake James. Most of my cousins still live there and my mothers aunt and uncle. I haven't been there in 29 years! For my cuz's wedding. We still email each other.
I will check out the libraries history again. I did so once years ago but I don't remember it being a Carnigie library. But I may have missed that.
Love Di
Hi Donna,
It really must be bad pain. I've heard so many stories and am seeing it first hand now.
I get to see the grandkids again today, I am looking forward to that!
Love Di
Hi Di, I was also busy with Grandchildren this weekend - I'm late getting to your post. Yours are soooo cute!
Poor Jake - glad he's feeling better. Shingles are very painful (I hear).
Hi Barb,
Before you reminded me about the grandkids coming over , I thought that you may have been lost in the mountains! Love Di
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