Wednesday, February 3, 2010

" Hi Everyone!"

Well it certainly was a long day for all of us!
We arrived at the hospital ant 7:30a.m. and were brought back to the prep room about 7:50a.m.

Of coarse you probably know the drill, she had to change clothes ( which she absolutely hated!).
She was allowed to wear a lovely green hospital gown! Her mood changed quickly at this point. It was the gown that set her off!
They only let me back there with her at this time. It was only after she was changed and the I.V. was put in, that they dad come back.

The hospital gown pissed her off. Sorry ladies but it was her first time wearing one and my Kate is a very stubborn girl! But once they got the I.V. in her, which didn't bother her at all, and gave her some medicine to relax her, she was fine!

Our charming French Canadian doctor came in to say hello, he really is charming! And it wasn't long after that when they swooped our girl away.

She was fine. I was a horrible nervous wreak. Both my husband and Katie made me take a Xanax! They insisted. Not such a good mom I guess. But the way I looked at it was that God gave me all of the anxiety so that Kate wouldn't worry.

Jake and I went to the cafeteria for breakfast while the surgery was going on. It took about one hour. Then she was in recovery for about another hour and then we were finally able to go and be with our girl. She was awake. She has never been anesthetized before and I discovered that she is very, very cranking after it!

But she looked good. Barely swollen and said that she could already breath better. She has little straws in her nose which enable her to breath as well as packing in her sinuses. She had one cyst, a large one in her sinuses that was causing all of the trouble.

She slept a little in recovery. She did not want Jake and I to look at her, or talk to her, yet she wouldn't let us leave the room together! Only one at a time. She ate and went to the bathroom. That was the defining moment that they would let her go home!

So about seven hours hours later we were able to go home! Katie , cranky still, was happy to go home, as were we. She has been hungry, good sign. Not nauseous, good sign.
And just went to bed about three hours earlier than usual. To be expected I think!

Friday morning at 8:30a.m. we go to get the packing taken out, and then she should be good to go!

I am guessing that she will still have her teenager attitude. But it's all good, as long as she is my teenager that can breath again!


Bernie said...

So happy Katie is home and all is well and I hope you are able to settle now Diana, it is hard I know not to worry about her.
I had to laugh when you said she was least you knew she was your Katie! Give her a big hug from me and tell her I said to milk this for all its worth. Luv you........:-) Hugs

Maria said...

And we love them so ~ In thanksgiving for a successful surgery ♥

Anvilcloud said...

Yay! But don't let those French guys fool you. My SIL is one and ... ;)

Linda said...

Yay for the good news that all went well. Cranky or not, she's still your little girl huh! I've got one that gets cranky too, gotta love em!

Blessings each day said... happy to hear that all went well and she is back home. Will she have to stay home from school for very long?

blessings and happy hugs,


Wanda..... said...

Hi Di, seems Katie endured it well, even though the hospital gown set her off, for a bit. Pretty funny! Hope today goes just as know...that she's only extra cranky, for just a bit.
When they are sick or recuperating like this ...don't they seem little again or at least there's a glimpse of it!

Donna's Book Nook said...

Good to hear that the surgery went well. Also glad that mom made it through OK.

Rebecca said...

An excellent adventure with a satisfactory conclusion. God be praised!

Gail said...

HI DI- glad it is over and Katie is home and fine. You are a wonderful Mom, and Jake is a great Dad - your family is amazing.

Love you

Teresa said...

: )

Anvilcloud said...

Re. comment: apparently, there's a non-3D version of Avatar. There are both versions at our local theatre.

Eileen said...

'So glad to hear this, Di!
And it's probably good she had the gown to occupy her mind! She reminds me of me! I stress over the things that shouldn't be mattering at all too!
I think 'cranky' is a good sign. Breathe a sigh of relief now and enjoy the quiet until the next adventure!
Thanks for posting!
Love to you, Eileen

Lynilu said...

Surgery is often hardest on the family, not the patient! When it was my daughter, I was a worry wort. When it was me, my daughter was the worry wort! That's good, keeping us all connected.

I'm glad she is home and doing well. Psst. Don't tell her, but the removal of the packing will be worse than the surgery, unfortunately. But she will feel so much better that it will soon be forgotten.

Health to your whole family!

Barb said...

Whew! Glad that's over! I love that Katie had an "attitude" about the green hospital gown! I hope she has spent the day resting and recuperating. I assume that you spent the day being her slave - just as it should be...

quieten said...

Yea!!! All went well! I am so glad to hear your lovely Katie made it through with flying colors. Being cranky just let you know she was fine!!! Hope all goes well tomorrow with the packing removal. I know you are breathing easier now that this one is behind you! Whew!!!!
Huggz to you and to Katie, too,

Dee said...

Glad katie is home and doing well. Her crankness was probably just her fear.Being a pretty teenage girl that had to wear an ugly gown makes the term cranky sound normal to me. :)

Jenny said...

Oh what great news to have this done for all of you. She might get the weepies probably know that but the anesthesia is a depressant and it can really effect some people profoundly. Hugs and prayers coming to you both as you get through this together.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

So glad to read that everything went well. God was good to us all today, you get some rest, I have news but it has to wait until later.

quieten said...

Just wondering how you guys made Friday morning. Did everything go ok?
Love to Katie and, of course, to you, too!


Tranquility Speaks said...

I am SO happy, actually elated all went well. When my mum had to get an operation, I freaked out as much as you did. Nothing could calm me down. My mum was exceptionally brave through it all, just like your Katie :-) Hope she gets better with every passing day!