I have decided to take the one word MeMe challenge from Eileen over there at " Umma's World ". I think that I shall put my own twist on it however.
I am aware of the possible consequences from the blogger cop Marcy over there at " Blessings Each Day ". I suppose I'll get caught. But there are times when freedom of expression overrides the BLOGGER LAW!
We are supposed to give one word answers. Which I will. With a twist.
1. Where Is Your Cell Phone? Table (always with me in case husband calls )
2. Your Hair? Ugly ( that's why I always wear a bandanna )
3. Your Mother? Bubbly ( way,way too bubbly )
4. Your Father? Dead ( that's as final as it gets )
5. Your Favorite Food? Cheese ( anything with cheese )
6. Your Dream Last Night? Forgot ( slept like a log )
7. Your Favorite Drink? Coffee ( Iced coffee at the moment )
8. Your Dream/Goal? Husband ( to be able to be with him everyday )
9. What Room Are You In? Living room ( downstairs not up )
10. Your Hobby? Blogging ( crocheting too )
11. Your Fear? Husband ( Not afraid of him, afraid of losing him )
12. Where Do You Want To Be In Six Years? Tuscany ( dream big )
13. Where Were You Last Night? Home ( where else )
14. Something You Aren't? Paris Hilton ( need I say more )
15. Muffins? Chocolate ( chocolate-chocolate chip )
16. Wish List Item? Computer ( so I won't have to share with Katie )
17. Where You Grew Up? Chicago ( Illinois )
18. Last Thing You Did? Coffee ( made myself an iced coffee)
19. What Are You Wearing? Clothes ( Duh! )
20. Your TV? Old ( but it works )
21. Your Pets? Lovable ( but spoiled )
22. Friends? Lovable ( but spoiled )
23. Your Life? Short ( and getting shorter )
24. Your mood? Happy ( but tired )
25. Missing Someone? Ginny ( I always miss Ginny )
26. Car? Ford ( a cute focus wagon in tundra green )
27. Something You Are Not Wearing? Bra ( don't like chest restraints )
28. Your Favorite Store? Lowes ( what can I say, I love home improvement )
29. Your Favorite Color? Blue ( for today, it changes all the time )
30. Last Time You Laughed? Today ( I called someone the wrong name at church, I'm an idiot )
31. Last Time You Cried? Tenth ( Spooky died July 10th )
32. Who Will Resend This? Nobody ( just take it if you want it )
33. One Place You Go Over And Over? Recliner ( Ahhhh! )
34. One Person Who Emails You Regularly? Roxanne ( my cousin )
35. Favorite Place To Eat? Out ( anywhere but home )
See now wasn't that fun? I am by no means an exciting person! Perhaps this would be of more interest if we made up answers! Something like this: 33. One Place You Go Over and Over ? Rome ( where else ).
Yes that probably would have been more fun. Perhaps someday I will make up my own little survey. One where the rules would be to let your imagination run wild! I think that would be fun. Hearing what other people dream about. I like that idea. I think I may work on that. What do you think?
Onward to Friday Favorites. I am going to be honest here. This can be difficult for me at times. There are a lot of things that I like. I don't know why but it is hard for me sometimes to narrow it down to any one thing. There are very few things that I own that mean that much to me. After all they are just things. Possessions. I don't like to feel like I am showing off.
The really important things to me aren't really pretty. Like a small box of raisins that I have carried around in my purse for four years. I am quite sure that they are not edible anymore. But I still keep them in my purse. My granddaughter, Sarah, gave them to me when she was two. She didn't want me to ever be hungry.
Or that old McCormicks spice jar that Ginny glued beads around, so that I would have a pretty spice jar. Or the " Merry Christmas " sign that Frank made for me in high school. Then there's the nut. Not the edible kind. The metal kind that fits on a bolt that my husband found on one of our walks when we were dating. He gave it to me. I still have it. It's not a diamond. But special none the less.
So this week I am going to post a photo of not a thing really, but a spot. It is one of my very favorite spots in my house. It was also one of the many deciding factors in the purchase of this house. It used to be where a phone would have been placed. The shelf on the bottom is where the plug and phone wires used to be. It had an intricately carved cover over it to conceal the wires but is was broken so I removed it and the phone plug and wires. The little curtain is one that I crocheted.
Nothing special really. Just a little spot that I like very much!
I love all your favorites that you mentioned!! And aren't those just the best?! True treasures of the heart.
And I love the favorite spot in your house, it looks like a little altar, Di. It is so beautiful, and I love that crocheted valance you made for it. It just looks so peaceful, it must give you such a feeling of tranquility every time you look at it.
And I appreciate your 'twist' on the meme because one word answers leave me with questions! I had questions in my mind for everybody's answers!
And NO COFFEE today thank goodness, because I just about fell out of my chair laughing at the Paris Hilton answer!
Diana, I literally laugh until I cry sometimes reading you!
And please do make up your own meme! I look forward to it, just as I look forward to a post from you every day!
Love you, Eileen
PS ~ Now you caught the virus from Marcy and Jackie! Uh-oh, who from the village is next?
Hi Eileen, Our house has a lot of built in's. The Erika Kane dolls that you saw are sitting on one of two that are upstairs. Also built in cabinets and drawers in the hall downstairs by the bathroom. perfect for towels and toiletries.
I really think that I am going to make up a MeMe if thats what it's called. I may work on it this weekend! However if you don't hear from me, know that my computer died. We have an old, old one but would have to wait for Jake to get home to try and get it going!
The raisins tugged at my heartstrings...so precious. they're probably little rocks now, but you will never be hungry! Loved all the other little things that the children made and even the nut you saved...NOT your husband, but the one he picked up for you.
That IS a little altar and a very beautiful one that you created. The curtains you crocheted are just beautiful...I even love the color you chose!
I think you could come up with a pretty good rootin tootin MeMe, so you go girl!
Remember you can always use your local library's Internet when desperate (have a friend with no computer and that's the way she communicates totally.)
blessings and hugs,
Thanks Marcy,
But you were right, my husband is a nut as well. He'd be the first to admit it!
I haven't forgotten about the library, it's literally across the street from our house. Only allowed one hour a day though! Better then nothing although sometimes it takes me three to post and read! I can go to church too but it's dial up, Blah!
We had the dinosaur desk top running at one time til Jake messed it up! But he's going to give it a go again, it's just slow!
But if I go missing for awhile you will know that it's just computer troubles!
Oh, but it is Special. That's easy to see!
I'm back to ask, in what way is your laptop dying?
I'm so computer illiterate, anytime anything goes wrong here I am on the phone to Ray at work and he tries to talk me through things, or I just have to wait until he comes home.
I hate because it really is a major form of communicating and socializing for me!
And I just feel so 'out of touch' without it. I'd hate for you to be gone for awhile, or only on an hour or so.
I visit, then go do some things, then come back to comment throughout the whole day. I just leave it up and running all the time, and a little sort of bell rings whenever I get mail or anything.
Right now I'm off to run a bath for Jayden and take him out for awhile and then I'll be checking in again in a few hours.
I love your telephone spot on the wall with your crocheting adoring it. I crochet, too. Friends have much in common. Thank you for being mine....
Okay, I'm back again because I started thinking about you calling all those add ons to the Meme you just did, 'twisting' (like Chubby Checker?). When I did it I called it what it was...CHEATING!! Yup, Diana, we're cheaters, cheaters, cheaters. You can twist all you want but a potato is a potato and a tomato is a tomato. It's obvious that you are in denial, so 'fess up, I won't send you to the principal's (Jackie's) office.
Your also twisted sister...hee hee
Alright, that's it, obviously I can't keep my brain straight to remember not to take a sip (this time, thank goodness only water!), so you two are going to have to cut it out!!
Twisted Sisters! I LOVE IT!!
That is what I'm going to refer to you two as from now on, my 'twisted sisters'. Amen!
Oh, PUKE! Now I can't even enter the letters right for verification! Ugh!
My comment is gone!!! Who stole it?
I was here at lunch time...eating and reading your post Diana...left you a comment about how your crocheted valance couldn't be any prettier and that it looked like a meditation spot...I even told you...I would not be able to throw the raisins out either...Alivia once gave me 2 of the 4 pennies she had in her pocket...I keep them by a photo of her...Then I said..crazy grammas we are!...
Someone stole Jackie's boat and then my comment...call the police!
Wasn't it right after my first one?!
What's going on here? That's happened to me on Marcy's blog twice! And last night I know I left a comment on Jackie's around one or two in the morning and it never showed, I had to leave another one this afternoon! Ugh! Blogger! (I'm raising a fist in the air here!)
Diana, haven't heard from you and am assuming it's your computer.
Sad, sad, sad!
Okay, I have a busier weekend planned than originally thought, and Ray is off Monday. I'll try to make quick visits but probably not post.
Love you gals!
Wanda, if you're reading here, KEEP THE TWISTED SISTERS IN LINE!
Ugh! Why do I have to type 'swiniest' for my verification? I'd rather cattiest. I'm hating the blogger words too!
Whoo whoo ooo aaah...here come the village police...I'd like you ladies to all pull over...that's right, I mean you Wanda and Eileen and Jackie and Diana. This won't take long but you ladies need to go down to village headquarters to answer a few questions regarding your missing comments and some descriptions of them and when and where they were last seen as well as what they were wearing at the time...and maybe get fingerprinted (if you're real good and no yelling and hollering, we can even finger paint after this!)
your friendly village police, (keeping blogland safe and sound).
Guess what? It didn't make me type in any word verification that time. Do you suppose it's because I'm a cop, uh cough, an officer of the law??
LOVED # 27, Diana - who wants to be restricted/constricted? I like knowing about the raisins, too.
LOVE your list Diana!
I could relate to so many of them! and your Friday Favorite...looks like an Every Day Favorite :)
Very peaceful and prayerful place~
Showers of Grace Always, Maria
ps. As for #27 I'm with you and Barb...
My favorite to wear now is the Fruit of the Loom spaghetti-strap ports bra... except it's really only made for walking...it's more like an undershirt with a little elastic!
They come in a 3 pack for $10... can't beat it... I use this instead of a REAL bra whenever possible~sooo much more comfortable.
Diana...just letting everyone know.......
the computer my photos are on...is down for maintenance...soooo...I've been house cleaning, rearanging furniture, freezing "black and blue" berries, making zuchinni bread, pasta salad, filling bird feeders, working outside because it feels like "fall", doing laundry, and baking a cake today for Herhusband's birthday tomorrow.
That's my EXCUSE for not posting...hope Herhusband finishes the computer today...I Need to work on a post before the Village forgets me.
Wanda :(
I loved all your special favorites for which you have no pictures...those are the absolute best kind of favorites...I LOVED them!! I'm glad you posted that, it was nice to be reminded that it is the simple, heartfelt things that should mean the most to us :)You really are a sweety!! I love the special place that is your favorite too! Very pretty..your crocheting is just gorgeous!!
I like how you added the little parethesis..with the personal touch! Very nice :)
Love, Jerelene
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