Saturday, January 14, 2012

" In a Nutshell "

Alrighty, I went to see the surgeon Thursday. She will be doing the procedure that will unblock my left Carotid Artery. The procedure is called an Endarterectomy. I am so happy that I don't have to say it as I can't, I've tried.
I will be at the hospital on Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m. And of coarse no food or drink after midnight previous. This should make for a cranky Diana. I don't deal well with fasting but this will be when I will call on our Lord to help me through. And to help Jake as I will most likely be pretty cranky by then! 

The following is what the procedure will look like only they don't show the shunt in this diagram. The shunt will bypass the clamps to allow continual blood flow to the brain. The artery itself will be clamped off at both ends and then the inner layer of the artery that contains the plaque will then be removed. Once removed the surgeon will stitch it up.


I have to say that I was very impressed by this surgeon. She was very articulate and seemed to answer ALL of my questions BEFORE I even asked them. She has done this many times and said that I wouldn't notice any scar after. When I told her that scars didn't really bother me, she said " They bother me!". 

She also told me that after this surgery, I should never have to worry about a stroke again. I will have to go for an annual Cartorid Doppler to keep an eye on both arteries. Right now the right side is 30 percent blocked but supposedly that isn't bad enough to warrant surgery.

When I asked her why this happened to me, she had a great answer. I told her that I had abused my body in the seventies, always ate whatever I wanted, drank and smoked until the past few years.

She said that there isn't any one answer to that question. Some people are just predisposed to this. It can also be hereditary. That could explain my grandmothers strokes. She was very healthy , never smoked and ate a healthy diet. We never did understand back then why she had them.

I have to say that I was very impressed, in a short period of time, with this doctor. It seemed as though she has done this many times. She was very young. As I told my friend Jackie yesterday on the phone, it makes me feel older when the doctor doesn't look old enough to be one!! But I walked out of her office feeling very confident and relieved. I will take that as a good sign.

I will have to spend the night in the hospital. Since I was there just five months ago, I wasn't too happy about that but it is only overnight. The doctor said that most of her patients complain of very little pain, mostly numbness and swelling. As soon as I can turn my head from side to side, I can drive again. She said I will be very tired for awhile. A week or two, especially since I just had major surgery five months ago.

I wish this hadn't have happened but I am glad that I know now and something can be done about it. The doctor said she would get me back to riding my bike in no time. So this is all good news.

My husband won't be coming home this weekend. He should be home on Monday so he can be with me. My son and Daughter-in-law will be here too. I asked my DIL if she would make me some of that soup she makes with the corn in it for when I come home. She said "What the heck are you talking about?" I said "You know, the soup with the corn and the hamburger or whatever you put in there. I love that stuff." She said "Oh, the succotash soup!". I told her "Whatever it's called, that's what I want!". So I will have something good to heat up after I get home. I've been eating a lot of soups lately.

Which reminds me. I am going to make some Ham and Beans today. I have a lot to do around here before Tuesday. So I bess get busy!!

We'll talk soon O.K.? 


Rae said...

You will be in my thoughts and prayers. And, you will do fine! I have taken care of many patients after an endarterectomy - I even know how to pronounce it:) It's a fairly routine procedure with quick recovery time. Heck, once all that blocked blood flow reaches your brain again you may feel like superwoman with all those brain cells recharged.

Gail said...

HI DI - oh my, I will be sending prayers and good thoughts. I am very interested too because the same procedure is being done on MS patients and apparently it improves symptoms.
Loev to you

Lena said...

Hi Di! You will be in my thoughts...
Looads of love,

Eileen said...

Oh, I've been so hoping you would post! Thanks so much, and I'm so glad to hear that you feel confident with this doctor. That's always a relief. She sounds great. This procedure looks and sounds intense so I'm happy you feel comfortable with it all. If you like her ~ I like her too!
And I was so happy to read that she told you that you will not have to worry about strokes after this!!
I'm going to hang onto all this good news over the next few days.

I know it won't be the first thing on your mind to post about everything once you're back home from the hospital, but when you get a chance fill us in. You know there are so many of us who will be sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear.

Many prayers for you ~ and I'm making sure my family sends them too!

Jackie said...

What wonderful news to hear that your doctor is going to take the BEST care of you, and that she talked with you and made you feel comfortable as you await your surgery.
You are a sweet friend, Di. Reading your blog always lifts my spirits.
You know that I will be praying for you and am looking forward to hearing about your recovery. I will be in touch. I love you, my friend.

Need A Latte Mom said...

Sounds like positive results came from your appt. so glad to hear that. It is amazing to me just how quick they can have you up and moving about.
hang in there girl!

Ginnie said...

I have been very lax in my reading of blogs and am shocked with the news of your TIA. I am so glad you are having the endarterectomy and feel sure that it will set you up for a wonderful future. I am hoping and praying that 2012 will be a better year that 2011 ! Stay safe and all the best on your operation.

Barb said...

Dear Di - I've been thinking about you. I wish this procedure wasn't necessary, but the plus of never having to worry about a stroke again is certainly a good reason to do it! So glad you were impressed by the surgeon. That means everything - you will go into it with confidence. Ask Katie or Ginny to post ASAP so we know you are fine. Take care and PLEASE don't do too much this weekend. At least get that artery opened first before you start moving furniture again!

Dee said...

I will be thinking of you...I am so sorry you are having to go through this just as your knees were healing. The out come seems very promising. it will be good not to have to worry about having a stroke again. Take care. HUGS from Dee

Bonny said...

I'm so glad to see a post from y9ou. I have been keeping you in my prayers. It was good to hear from you over on my blog. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. And hope that you heal up quickly. Take care my friend. Lots of love going out to you.

Lynilu said...

Good luck, my sweet friend. Having had several people close to me go through this, I can assure you it isn't a bad one. It sounds awful, but recovery is quick and life is greatly improved with it. I'll hold you in my heart and lift you in my prayers, but you'll be fine anyway. :)

All Dolled Up Doll Clothes said...

Oh Di, I am so sorry I've been away from blogging lately. I just caught up with what's going on in your world and I want you to know that you will be in my prayers and thoughts. Good luck, best wishes and may God be with you.
Hugs to you

Bernie said...

Oh Di I commented earlier but have no idea where it went.
I am glad that you are happy with your doctor,having so much confidence in her makes us all feel better.
I am keeping you in my prayers sweetie, I know you will do just fine and the reward of having no more strokes makes it all worth while. Love you, xo

Sandi said...

OH Di! I am so glad I got the chance to catch up of reading blogs tonight! You will be in my prayers for sure. What a relief that you can have this surgery and be fixed!

It's been quite a crazy time for you. I laughed when you told your doctor that scars don't bother you. It's funny, I didn't want to have the knee surgery cause of the scar, but now I could care less! It doesn't bother me a bit.

I am just so glad that you went to the doctor and are getting this taken care of. Strokes are nothing to mess around with!

Love and hugs to you!

Oh, thanks for your honest comments today. It's nice to have someone else admit to the craziness sometimes!! XOXO

Rob-bear said...

Back in hospital again? Oh. no.
But if it IS going to help you, well, then, . . . OK. I hope everything goes well.
Blessings and Bear hugs!

Vicki said...

Di, so sorry to hear that you have to go back into the hospital...I am happy, however, that they found out what caused your mini-stroke and they can correct it. I guess that was an early warning of what could come.

I will be thinking of you and lifting you up in prayer for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.

God bless you, dear friend!

Tamara said...

You will be in my thoughts and prayers, Di - Godspeed.

I always said I'd know when I became 'old' because doctors, lawyers, and police offices would look younger than my children. I'm at that point.

I even asked my opthomologist, "Does your Mommy know you're here and what you're doing?" He laughed.

Hugz & prayers, my friend, hugz & prayers.

Anvilcloud said...

It seems as though this should work out fine for you with a minimum of fuss and muss, and it sure beats the alternative.

Blu-I'd-Blonde said...

Just read your post, coming here from blog. If my sis would have listened to me (which she hated to do)and gone to the doctor with what I considered TIA's, I'm certain she would be alive today. She thought she was having a reaction to something she ate, or it was the flu, or a migraine. Last March she had a massive stroke while she was alone. The phone was right on the chair and it apparently happened so fast she didn't have time to call anyone.

She had MS (multiple sclerosis) and was doing quite well on medication. Her sudden death was such a shock to us all. I'm so glad 2011 is behind us as I lost an Uncle and 4 cousins after my sis died, all from my mothers side of the family.

Clogged arteries are deadly, so you did the right thing. God bless.