Wow, I was very surprised today. Jackie from "Teacher's Pet" passed an award onto me and six other lucky participants. Jackie's blog is very entertaining and I give her much thanks. Thank you Jackie!
It is called " The Premio MeMe Award ". I don't really know what Premio MeMe means but still I am honored to receive it !

I do kind of like the picture. And I definitely like the frame so I will take it!
To except this award I must post seven things about myself.
This is going to be tricky for me. I will have to open up my files.
Most people that read my blog already know, for the most part, who I am.
Also I must pass this award to seven other bloggers. So I would suggest that you all start being really, really nice to me!
I am only kidding. You are all very kind and thoughtful already. If you get this award from me and someone else, it's o.k. Just do the best that you can.
And now, seven boring things about me!
1. My favorite thing about going to church is singing the hymns. I do realize that is not why we are supposed to go. But truthfully it is my favorite part.
2. Nearly everything that I know how to do, I taught myself through books. Example, crocheting, sewing, cooking, blogging and even buying our home. The non-fiction section of our local library is my favorite place to go.
3. I am so tired of worrying about my health. It seems that every time I start to lose weight and feel good again, something else happens to set me back.
4. All three of my pregnancies had health problems involved. The last one I was told if I were to get pregnant again that I could die.
5. When my older daughter was eleven months old she almost died from Spinal Meningitis. She spent her first birthday in the hospital.
6. I once saved my ex mother-in-laws life by performing the Heimlich maneuver on her.
7. Besides the fact that I can't crochet as much as I used to the thing that I hate the most about having arthritis is not being able to dance anymore. You should never stop dancing if you can help it.
And now I shall pass my baton, I'm sorry, award onto the following people:
1. Marcy from "Blessings Each Day"
2. Teresa from " Do the Write Thing "
3. Ginny from " Ginny from the Blog "
4. Mary Ann from " Desperately Seeking Serenity "
5. Jerelene from " Jerelene's Journal "
6. Annette from " A Wisp of Creativity "
7. Linda from " Linda Lu's B.T.D.T. (Been there done that)
I truly enjoy reading every ones blogs. You all make me smile in some way. And you all deserve awards in my heart!
Hi Diana
Just popped round from Jackie's to congratulate you on your award. I'm Eddie, her Britty pal and she visits often and I visit her.
I liked your 7 points very much and as an ambulance man I am very impressed with the Heimlich maneuver and how you saved your ex mom-in-law's life. We call it in England, "The Abdominal Thrust" alternating between a sharp clump on the back to loosen the blockage causing choking. It is wonderful to save a person's life.
Very nice top meet you and please call in for a cup of tea whenever you like. Best wishes ~ Eddie
Well, Diana, you never cease to amaze me!
A Heroine! And now an English suitor!
Seriously, I enjoyed this post a lot!
And, you never do cease to amaze me!
Love, Eileen
Hello Again Diana,
Another award - and well deserved. I hope you can still dance in your mind and heart!
Hi Diana,
(I love to sing the hymns too!)
Congratulations on another well deserved award! And, thank you for passing it on to me..I'm flattered! It's a wonderful thing that you were able to save someone's life..very admirable and heroic!! What a sweetie you are!!
Congrats and gratitude, Jerelene
Congrats on another award! I enjoyed reading your 7 points. Thanks for thinking of me. I'll have to save somebody's life before I post my 7 points... :)
I most humbly thank you sweet person and there will be yet another surprise tomorrow for you!
It's so amazing that there are SOOOO many things to learn about each other and you do have tons of things!
Congratulations to you!!
blessings and hugs,
Hi Diana, congratulations on your award my friend, you deserve it. I see Eddie found you, he writes such funny poetry, I love reading his poems. I can't believe all the things you have taught yourself, you are one smart cookie....Have a great day my friend...:-) Hugs
Hi Diana,
Thank you so much for the award, and congratulations on yours! I really think you deserve awards for your blog, as it is so fun and uplifting. I think everyone already knows too much about me...what more could I tell? Saving someones life is an amazing are amazing. (((HUGS))) T
Okay girlfriend, now run and get your newest award at my blog today!
Aren't we such movie stars??? :o)
blessings with lots of hugs,
Congratulations Diana :-) It was wonderful to know this about you. Keep the spirits high always, no matter what happens
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