Ever faithful ever true
there's no better friend to me than you.
Most people look at you in disgust.
As for me I know you are one I can trust.
You come and stay all summer long.
Ever vigilant , ever strong.
What would I do if you were not here?
Many I know would stand and cheer.
As for me I know I would be so bored,
after all I believe you were sent from the Lord.
Ever faithful, ever true.
What would I do if not for you?

there's no better friend to me than you.
Most people look at you in disgust.
As for me I know you are one I can trust.
You come and stay all summer long.
Ever vigilant , ever strong.
What would I do if you were not here?
Many I know would stand and cheer.
As for me I know I would be so bored,
after all I believe you were sent from the Lord.
Ever faithful, ever true.
What would I do if not for you?
Diana, I LOVE IT!!
This was too cute!
I'm going to cut and paste it, print it out and frame it, and surprise Ray with it for Father's Day!
I should laminate a copy and hang it on his garden shed!
I've never seen anybody so obsessed with weed killer in my life!
Oh Eileen Have I ever told you what my husband wants to do to the yard? He wants to pour concrete over the whole thing and spray paint it green! Is Ray that bad?
I love this poem, mom! You're so funny. Thanks for the smile this morning!
Diana, go to my blog, you'll see that our yard is pure deck and pool!
We have a little tiny side yard with a patch of grass that I put a few of the grandkids toys on (slide, and soccer nets, etc.) and grass in the front and that's it!
I shouldn't complain, we use the pool A LOT, every weekend we have pool parties/pool volleyball games, and during the week the kids stop by everyday after work and take Jayden in. But I'd like a real yard with grass and trees, and flowers!
Oh, and I forgot about Wordful Wednesday, but I just quick now wrote something!
Weed blossoms are so pretty...and I've found they take little or no care. I don't have to get out the "Miracle Gro"....no watering...and they appear in the middle of the highway, if traffic is slow... Why don't my roses do that...in my YARD!! Yours is a very cute and very well-written poem. You are good! (Marcy aka "Blessings" challenged me to write a poem on my Wednesday blog.) I haven't done it yet. I'm afraid I'll lose any and all readers... :-)) but....since she 'gave it a go' and posted her time capsule contents on mine, I'm going to give her poem challenge a try. My poem won't be nearly as clever as yours....but I do enjoy yours and love your site.
Great poem! I bet the words came together naturally for you. I guess any flower could be considered a "weed" if it is unwanted.
I love your poem Diana...Isn't it true how clover and dandelions can endure almost anything...Out yard and field are full of clover, which I like, as a child we used clover to make a "daisy" chain long enough to circle our house and I have a small embroidered plaque on my wall that says "May all your weeds be wild flowers"
I think you should give us some more poetry Diana.
Smile and take care
Thank you all for your nice words.
I remember reading an old book from the library about the different types of flowers. I was trying to figure out what some of mine were. In this very old book it said that there are no weeds, it's only unwanted plants that we consider to be weeds.
Annette's comment was spot on!
Wonderful!!!! That was great! I think you definitely have talent girl! I think Wordful Wednesday will be a blast, I think I will try it...Thanks for the smiles! You are hilarious, and we sure are going to have fun on that Roller Coaster!!!
You are really a professional,Diana, you even gave your poem a title! Am I impressed! Obviously, this is a talent you have long overlooked!
And, Diana, I still think Michael deserves some sort of guy prize by wanting to call the weeds cute and not pull them!!!!
blessings with hugs,
Wow..you are really good at this! I agree with Eileen..you should hang it near your garden..It was really funny!! Thanks for making me smile..I needed that :)
Love, Jerelene
OK now that I read yours, I will take away Eileen's first prize and give it to you....sorry Eileen, second isn't that bad...LOL
Hope you are feeling better my friend.....:-) Hugs
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