
That would be an impossibility at this point in my life if ya know what I mean. Come on you're smart people you can figure that one out.
O.K., O.K. I'll get to the point. They found nothing. Which is a good thing. The liver, gallbladder, kidneys and whatever else they saw looked good. That is very good. My blood work looked good except my cholesterol was still too high, but we decided , the doctor and I to let that go for now as I am still having a lot of pain. So they are going to schedule a scope test hopefully next week. I just want to find out what the problem is and fix it. I had a TEE test which I think is similar to the scope test in November 08.
So some good news and some no news. But I think we are getting closer.
Also yesterday evening, Kate and I went to the video store. I told her that we would get a movie that we both agree on. I really wanted to see "Gran Torino" with Clint Eastwood. Or a romantic comedy.

Today the plans were to go watch my granddaughter Sarahs ball game. After which Katie was going camping with my son Frank and his family. They are going for one night at least, maybe two. They live right by a lake and campgrounds.
Katie was all for this which surprised me as bored as she's been. But they will go bike riding and maybe fishing.

I hope all goes well and they have a good time. It will be baby Jacks first time camping. He will be a year old in 10 days. Maybe Katie will help out. I hope!
I had to leave the ball game very early on as it was so hot out there and I was feeling very sick. The pain was pretty bad all day today and it really makes me miss my husband more. It did get better after I got home and fell asleep for awhile. So now here I sit rambling again. I found a movie for myself to watch tonight. I opted on saving "Gran Torino" for when my husband comes home. He wants to see it too.
I picked out a movie called "Into the Wild". It is about a wild Alaskan adventure.

Tomorrow I plan on going to church. I haven't been for awhile and I really am missing it. I've been in to work but not to worship. Our weekends with company and graduation parties have all gone by so now I can go back to visit my church family that I love.
I would also like to get into my yard and pull some weeds if the weather cooperates. Other then that the rest of the day I will just go with the wind!
I'm going to leave you tonight with one of my favorite verses.
Do Not Worry
Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: they do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
Luke 12:22-26
It's not as easy as it sounds!
Goodnight All.
Very nice post, Diana, I liked it a lot.
I'm glad you and Katie got to enjoy a movie together. It's good you gave into her, sometimes when they are being so stubborn about being in a mood, if you give in it can't help but lift their spirits. And it's especially good since the two of you actually got a few laughs out of the movie.
And I'm breathing a sigh of relief that at least so far the news on you is good. But I wish they could find out what's bothering you so they could then fix it! No matter how good of a time you are having, it's hard to really let loose and enjoy when you are in pain!
Whoever said if you have your health you have everything knew what he was talking about!
I hope you have a good day tomorrow.
If you get a chance post and let us know how you're feeling.
You have been on my mind and in my prayers.
Take care, Eileen
Eileen you are right about the pain thing. I'm feeling very held back right now and thank you for your prayers and concern!
Diana, I'm glad that you tests are coming back good. I hope that whatever is causing you pain will be found soon. I love your site. I haven't looked past this page (so far....but I do....I love to look at good blogs....and yours is.) Your page is a beautiful one.
Is the dog a pug? Cute!!
Movies are good. My husband loves to go to the movies (more than I do...) We saw Gran Torino. I loved it. He thought it was 'so, so.."....but you know, I'm always enjoy!! :-))
I'll be back.
I'm the keyboardist at our church. I used to be the pianist...before churches started getting more and more instruments. I miss playing the piano....but I do love the service. When I don't feel like going is exactly the time that I get the most out of it. Thank you again for visiting my site.... Take care of you.
Well Diana ...glad the good results of the tests relieved you enough to be funny!
It's also good that you were able to relax and enjoy the movie with Katie before she left.
I've seen Into the's based on a true story.
Don't worry too much about your weeds...they aren't going like I do... a little here a little there...and never in the hot sun...
Smile and take care Diana.
Diana, I am so sorry that you still have that pain, but am very happy that the test so far are negative. They will find out eventually and I just know will fix you perfectly. Happy when I read about you, Katie, popcorn and movie....priceless. I hope she enjoys her camping trip. Take care of yourself my friend, and tomorrow at Mass I will ligtht a candle just for you and your health.........:-) Hugs
Hi Jackie, thank you for the nice words. And you reminded me of our retired organist at church. When I was cleaning the church a few years back(had to give it up) This wonderful woman, Imogene, was our organist at the time and would come in and rehearse.We would end up talking about everything and working to her playing was just wonderful as she was the BEST organist we've had. Oh how I miss her!
One of our dogs is a pug. I've posted about both of our dogs.They are there somewhere!
It was nice meeting you!
Good Morning Wanda,
You are right about those weeds! My pastor said that I won't have weeds in my garden in heaven! How nice will that be!
I didn't get to see "Into the Wild" list night. When I shut the computer off TCM was playing "Double Indemnity" with Barbera Stamwick and Fred MacMurry. I think thats his name? Anyway I got sucked right into the drama!! As I often do with old movies! I will watch the other tonight!
Thank you for thinking of me. Hopefully this will all be over soon!
Thank you Bernie,
All prayers will be greatly appreciated!
I hope the camping trip will do Katie some good too! She took her camera so if she gets some pix I am going to suggest a summer scrapbook to her. Wish me luck!
The movie was fun and we even talked about things through it.So maybe more teenager movie's is in order!
FINALLT!!! I got in here and it didn't freeze up on me, so maybe my dick cleaner helped!
Two comment attempts, one unsecessful and one sucessful e-mail attempta nd now I can do something!
Please, please just try the acidophilous tablets or yoghurt...I think it's Dannon...hold on...yup, Went downstairs, got one, am eating it and it is Dannon Activia that even has a money back guarantee for improvement!
Blessings an lots of hugs,
Oops, forgot to remind you that I am praying for you and will be going to church now and praying more!
Thank you Marcy, I am off to church to pray as well my friend.
Hi Diana,
I am praying for you too...your name is here in my prayer journal. I am so glad your tests came back negative, and I sure hope the pain subsides soon. It could be stress...I get stomach pains when I worry. Just read that scripture your husband gave you over and over again until you believe it, without any doubts. I have been doing that, thank you for that scripture.
Also, did you watch "Into the Wild" yet? I would ride a roller coaster with you, but I am not so sure I would go into the wild, and did you know this was a true story? If you have not watched it Diana, I don;t want to spoil it...after you do though, let me know if you still want to attempt it... : )
Let me know how you like Gran Torino! Keeping you in prayer....
((((HUGS)))) T
Hi Teresa, I haven't watched the movie yet. I was going to put it in last night and I noticed that "Double Indemnity" was on and I got sucked right into the drama! So I will probably watch tonight!
I have been reading that scripture lately Teresa, it really is beautiful to me and seems to help! I think that everyone should read it every time they start to worry, don't you?
Hi Diana!! You are so funny..posting an ultrasound picture ;)
I like house bunny..I watched it with my girls. It did have some good thoughts behind it. I've seen the Alaska movie and didn't like it..the ending was sad and after watching it all the way through I was disappointed. I guess you could say I prefer HAPPY endings :)
They say no news is good news so we'll just have to keep prayin'!!!
Love, Jerelene
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